This Year Let’s Spread Love Outside Our Intimate Circles
Being a Love Extremist is about breaking beyond our comfort zones to bring love into unlikely spaces. In 2021, engaging non-romantic love in civic environments, our work places, our schools and other public spaces is often unacceptable. What if we were to break beyond these ‘rules’ and bring our hearts to those who may not normally feel them?

This project is about the simple act of extending a warm message to someone who may not normally hear from you on Valentine’s Day. It’s not a grand gesture, nor is it a moment to fix a big problem, it’s just a time to reach out and send a compassionate message of good wishes for the year ahead.

Join us, share your #unlikelyvalentine
Share this project with your community and let us know how you celebrate your Unlikely Valentine by using the hashtag #unlikelyvalentine

Special thanks to our producers
- Chris Laughter @ Snack Haus
- Lenore Mason @ Gravity + Grace