
Love Extremists understand that love is more fierce, scary and challenging than hate, yet we don’t back down in our love. We are constantly exploring what love looks like in action in our personal, interpersonal and collective worlds. You’re invited to join us in defining what love means in practice and share your perspective far and wide.

‘How To Become A Love Extremist’
Click here to access a free copy of our practical pamphlet sharing some actions you can take every day to bring more love into your life and the world around you.

Love Extremist Guidelines for Gathering
Please take a moment to read and download our Guidelines for Gathering so you’re prepared for when we meet. Also feel free to use them as a framework for holding space when you bring people together in any open-hearted context.

Upcoming Gatherings
- Join us on Clubhouse every Wednesday at 3pm PST / 6pm EST for ‘For The Love’ - don’t have access to clubhouse yet? Contact us
- As part of the Love Extremists club you’ll be notified whenever a room pops up that’s hosted by one of our Love Extremist facilitators
- Contact us about hosting a gathering in your community or organization

Order Love Extremist Pins
- Order Love Extremist Pins for yourself and your friends here